vrijdag 22 november 2013

Skinny Fiber Reviews

Katlyn Pershing

This is my 30 day result picture. I was a little disappointed when I got on the scale because I only lost 5lbs, but I can definitely see the difference and that's all that matters. 

I started taking Skinny Fiber on September 23 at 153lbs and today October 23 I'm at 148lbs. The only thing in my diet I changed was switching to drinking only water and taking my Skinny Fiber twice a day. I can not wait to see what I look like at the end of my 90 day challenge. My goal weight is 135.

Anne Bush

I have posted before and after pictures of myself before. I just took another picture this morning. I moved two weeks ago, so it has been a hectic couple of weeks. I have eaten a lot of not such great stuff in the last couple of weeks and fell short on my water. 

I have been taking my Skinny Fiber consistently though. So this morning I put my jeans on thinking, oh my, these are going to be tight. and they weren't. They were looser, hence the picture. Now if you can't see a difference that's ok. I just know that I feel fantastic and that is all that counts.

Tiffani Stephenson-Eubanks

If I would have stayed on SF religiously for the last 11 months, I would not still have the little bit of love handles I so want to leave. BUT I got so wrapped up in getting things done around here and helping my daughter to make sure she had her SF that I stopped taking it for about 3 months I will say that the inches that I did lose did NOT come back neither did any weight. I am back on it and taking it like a good girl and will take new pics soon as I find my jeans. lol These pics were taking in dec 2012 and march 2013

Esther Aguilera

I started Skinny Fiber on August 12, 2013 I was at 265 lbs. I started this after many months of seeing the testimonies of other people. Well I finally decided to go for it. 

I have had a lot of health problems like heart burn, body aches, arthritis and knee problems. Since I have been taking Skinny Fiber I noticed a BIG change in my body, all good. No more heart burn, less body aches, been able to walk more, not get tired often... I feel less heavy, I'm able to sleep better, wake up feeling more perky than ever. I don't have to have that nap in the afternoon, I have more energy. 

I drink between 46 to 96 ounces of water a day, and I have not had soda since I started Skinny Fiber, don't have the craving for it, and when I go out I order water, not soda's. Eat less feel great not hungry like before I started Skinny Fiber.

I lost 5 lbs each week the first 3 weeks into this. I went down another 5 lbs just last week. I have been keeping it off not gaining it back at all, which is great. So by October 12, 2013 I have lost 25 lbs. I am down to 240 lbs. I am so excited and am grateful for this product Skinny Fiber. I will continue to buy it I am pleased with the results. 

Well here are the photos. See for yourself. I can't see the difference myself, but people around me tell me I am losing weight. I look less fuller than I was back in August and well that makes me want to continue on with this. People compliment on how good I look so that inspires me more. So for those who are just staring on sf don't give up it does work. I am a walking testimony that it does work.



donderdag 21 november 2013

Skinny Fiber Testimonies

Nikki Ford


I had a baby on 7/11/2013 and I delivered at 240 lbs. I needed to do something so I was happy I found this product. I started walking back in August and now I'm up to running (some). I'm using an app that is supposed to take me from the couch to a 5k by 12/29 (wish me luck). 

Other than that I have made better food choices and taken my Skinny Fiber regularly. The first picture is at 225lbs... the last one is at 177 so that's almost 50lbs in 75 days. Skinny Fiber works... PERIOD!

Desiree Martinez


I have always been overweight struggling with trying to lose all the time. After my 4th baby I got up to 277 lbs & I realized I couldn't be this unhealthy any more. I started exercising and eating better, but there was a lot of bumps. 

I ended up losing 86 lbs, but I got stuck & turned to Skinny Fiber & now I weigh 161 lbs & I haven't been this size since middle school, now I can do things I never done before & I'm the healthiest I ever been! I love Skinny Fiber!

P.S I been on SF 6 months know, but haven't measured or weighed since this picture!

Dani Marcum Gadishaw


I wanted to share a recent photo of MY progress using Skinny Fiber! I put on a pair of jeans I wore a few months after I had the twins, at the time they fit fine and I didn't need a belt, now they are huge on me and I can't keep them up unless I hold them!

I can't even wear them anymore because they are so baggy (kind of a bummer because they are expensive name brand jeans LOL oh well!)

I wanted to show how many inches I lost from just using Skinny Fiber! I have lost about 11-13 lbs and 4 inches around my waist and hips. I haven't changed anything with my diet or exercise plan, except that taking Skinny Fiber has naturally decreased my appetite and I get fuller faster.

I just wanted to share to encourage you all that you CAN lose weight, even with having twins, working and school part time, I am making progress!

I don't think there is a substitute for eating healthy and being active, but using Skinny Fiber has made my weight loss goals SOOOO much easier, I can't talk about it enough!



The Skinny Fiber Story Of Tomas Malave

TJ Malave - 31 years old, lost 75 pounds!



I first started using Skinny Fiber in January of 2013 and didn't know what it really was. My friend suggested I use it and trusting in him took it on his word. As an athlete I was looking to get back to how I used to feel and years of drinking and smoking and not paying attention to my health was starting to add up. 

I did not like the person I saw in the mirror and knew it was my fault. All the excuses in the world could not add up to what I was doing to my body and the years I was taking off my life living that way. Sometimes you get caught up in work and life and you forget to pay attention to what's really important. I got winded easily, began snoring in my sleep, woke up constantly, had low energy among other issues. Another thing that worried me was my families diabetic issues and being overweight and unhealthy was not a good way for me to combat what runs in my family. I understood that SF would help me on a few levels that are vital to weight loss and weight management.

I actually starting looking into Skinny fiber after my first 90 days. I had lost nearly 40 pounds and I was feeling much better all around. The Skinny Fiber in conjunction with my food discipline and work outs 4 times a week for an hour served to be the right combination. I got into the rhythm of being healthy and it became a part of who I was and I wanted to pay that feeling forward.

What is really important to understand is that this is a lifestyle change. This isn't just about 90 day periods of exercise. It's about understanding what your body needs and having a plan and the support to reach those goals. The Skinny Fiber family and product has served me well as it has so many others. It not only has helped me get to a place where I feel healthy, but also is there to help me stay here and maintain what I have achieved for the long run. It's all about sustainability and with the support of this family you have the best chance in the world to be successful!


Skinny Fiber Testimonials

Nathalie Kelly


Down a total of -21.2 lbs as of this morning! 189.2lbs! Woohoooo! For a grand total of -49.2lbs! (lost 28 lbs previously with WW from November 2011 - January 2013). I started taking Skinny Fiber April 17th 2013 at 210.4 lbs.

I struggled for about a month and a half this summer, got off track a bit, wasn't consistent taking my SF... but I was able to maintain the weight I had previously lost, which was awesome! I haven't incorporated a regular exercise routine as of yet (I'm trying! Certainly my biggest challenge!), which had I done so, I may have been further along with my progress to date. But all considering, I am extremely pleased with my results so far!

I feel GREAT! This is the LOWEST weight I have ever been in 14 years! I can't believe it... I'm that much closer to my personal goal... it feels "real" AND "realistic"! I've never been so optimistic about getting healthy as I have been these past 6 months... and even more now... getting so much closer!)

The blue shirt is actually a new one... in a "regular size" LARGE! Went from a 2x & 1x shirt size to a REGULAR LARGE! My confidence is certainly starting to "soar"! I feel so much better about myself, and loving my curves! I'm still "under construction", but I'm getting there! I'm even starting to see my collar bone and hips! Love it!I am SO GRATEFUL I gave Skinny Fiber a chance!!! (took me 2 months before I decided to try it!!! Super happy I did! NO REGRETS from THIS GIRL!)

Candie Henry


My latest update brings me to a total of 32 pounds and 46 inches lost! After all the problems I had with my Crohn's colitis it is hard to believe how great I feel! I had my followup colonoscopy earlier this month and my gastroenterologist states that my Crohn's is 80 to 90% better. 

Now I can't say it is from my Skinny Fiber or not, but losingthe weight, feeling healthier, and getting to exercise again sure makes me never want to give it up! In six short months my life has completely changed for the better! It took me a year to give it a try and I can only imagine where I would be now if I hadn't waited that long! I owe my cousin, Kayla, my life for introducing me to something so completely life changing and uplifting!

Katlyn Pershing


This is my 30 day result picture. I was a little disappointed when I got on the scale because I only lost 5lbs, but I can definitely see the difference and that's all that matters. I started taking Skinny Fiber on September 23 at 153lbs and today October 23 I'm at 148lbs.

The only thing in my diet I changed was switching to drinking only water and taking my Skinny Fiber twice a day. I can not wait to see what I look like at the end of my 90 day challenge my goal weight is 135. 
