donderdag 21 november 2013

The Skinny Fiber Story Of Tomas Malave

TJ Malave - 31 years old, lost 75 pounds!

I first started using Skinny Fiber in January of 2013 and didn't know what it really was. My friend suggested I use it and trusting in him took it on his word. As an athlete I was looking to get back to how I used to feel and years of drinking and smoking and not paying attention to my health was starting to add up. 

I did not like the person I saw in the mirror and knew it was my fault. All the excuses in the world could not add up to what I was doing to my body and the years I was taking off my life living that way. Sometimes you get caught up in work and life and you forget to pay attention to what's really important. I got winded easily, began snoring in my sleep, woke up constantly, had low energy among other issues. Another thing that worried me was my families diabetic issues and being overweight and unhealthy was not a good way for me to combat what runs in my family. I understood that SF would help me on a few levels that are vital to weight loss and weight management.

I actually starting looking into Skinny fiber after my first 90 days. I had lost nearly 40 pounds and I was feeling much better all around. The Skinny Fiber in conjunction with my food discipline and work outs 4 times a week for an hour served to be the right combination. I got into the rhythm of being healthy and it became a part of who I was and I wanted to pay that feeling forward.

What is really important to understand is that this is a lifestyle change. This isn't just about 90 day periods of exercise. It's about understanding what your body needs and having a plan and the support to reach those goals. The Skinny Fiber family and product has served me well as it has so many others. It not only has helped me get to a place where I feel healthy, but also is there to help me stay here and maintain what I have achieved for the long run. It's all about sustainability and with the support of this family you have the best chance in the world to be successful!


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